
One more disrupted class - March 2014

Just a quick note of reminder.

Due to a previous booking we are unable to have the use of the room at Fulwood Tennis Club on Wednesday, March 26th 2014.

This is the last of the disruptions that we are aware of for the forseeable future so it's a full summer of salsa Wednesdays at Fulwood during the rest of 2014.

If you've not tried our classes yet, come along anytime you are free as everyone is welcome.

And the winner is..

Congratulations to Geoff Ramsden - the winner of this year's Strictly Sweepstake.

A bottle of wine will be waiting for you at the first class of 2014 at Longridge on 6th January or Fulwood Tennis Club on the 15th.

Well done Geoff and thanks to everyone who took part and gave generously to the Macmillan Nurses charity.

Anyone for the Tennis Club?

salsa classes at the tennis club fulwoodStarting in January, Julia and Steve are holding a new weekly salsa class in Preston, Lancashire.

The date for your diary is 15th January 2014 and we'll be teaching Cuban style salsa each Wednesday evening. Beginners classes start at 8.00pm.

What a great way to start the new year.

We hope to see friends old and new for some lighthearted dance and exercise.

November Salsa Party - what a great night..

november 2013 salsa party - prestonAppropriately as it was quite close to halloween it was a dark, stormy night for the November 2013 Sweet Salsa party night. At times it was absolutely lashing it down outside but that didn't dampen spirits inside the Con Club as a good number of people braved the weather and helped to make this one of our best parties yet!


The only impossible journey is the one you never begin

Chinese Proverb