
UK Lockdown Dance Discounts

salsa dance offers

Some people have been asking how they can contribute to Sweet Salsa in appreciation of the live online workout classes.

Julia and Steve don't want to simply ask for money but we have come up with a number of offers that are available for purchase at a discount price during the lockdown period. Further savings can be made through the coming year by becoming a member of the Sweet Salsa website.

Clitheroe Class Venue 2020

Clitheroe Conservative Club from Castle Street

Just a reminder about the Clitheroe classes during January and February 2020.

The usual hall is being renovated so temporarily we're moving the classes to The Conservative Club on Castle Street for a short time.

Parking is available on the main car park on Lowergate and you can walk uphill through the passageway (look for the M&Co sign) which comes out opposite the Con Club.

The times remain the same - 8pm start for beginners and improvers with a further class for improvers from 9pm.

£1000 Raised for Cancer Research

accrington soapbox challenge 2019

You might remember that we entered the Accrington Soapbox Challenge at the end of August this year.

A great, if wet, day out for the Sweet Salsa crew on the streets of Accrington.

Unfortunately no prizes for us in the race down the hill through town but a good time was had by all.

We couldn't have done it without the help of many Sweet Salsa friends preparing the soapbox and costumes for the event. Thanks to you all (you know who you are).

Soapbox Group Link

Soapbox starting point

Do you want to get involved with the Sweet Salsa Soapbox?

We're looking for talented people to help with ideas, skills, support and general assistance.

Anybody is free to join the group to keep abreast of the developments via our Facebook Group Chat. Click this link to join us

It's all for charity with any money going to Cancer Research and the big day is Sunday August 31st in Accrington.

Six Weeks to Salsa - June 2019

Six weeks to dance with Julia and Steve at Sweet Salsa

Six Weeks to Salsa - Julia and Steve will show you how.

Click here for more details and to book tickets

From the first week in June 2019 at all three of our venues we have the Sweet Salsa Complete Beginner Course.

These classes will get you up to speed with 45 minutes of fun learning spread over six consecutive weeks - Julia and Steve will show you how with really easy to follow instruction that will have you wondering why you didn't do this years ago!

Change of Venue Tuesday 7th May 2019

Due to being double booked we have been forced to find a new venue for this evening - Tuesday May 7th 2019

The class is being held for this week only at The Conservative Club on Castle St, Clitheroe BB7 2BT.

If you park as normal on the Lowergate car park, walk uphill (look for the M&Co sign), up the steps, through Swan Courtyard and when you arrive in Castle Street the Con Club is Just to the left of Cafe Nero. Buy a drink at the bar and the room is up the stairs.

Start time is as normal - 8pm. We hope to see you there.

Spice up your salsa with Yainer and Anneta

Yainer and Anneta teaching Cuban style salsa

Join us on April 13th 2019 for 2 two hour sessions of quality Cuban salsa dancing.

Yainer (Cuba) and Anneta (Russia) will show you techniques to spice up your salsa.

Choose from a morning session or afternoon session or both.

It promises to be a fab day of learning and dancing and you are welcome to join us for this special event.

Call Julia on 07931 721697 or book through the website using the links below.

Morning Session £20

Complete Beginners Fulwood from 8pm Tonight

couple smiling and dancing together

Make a date in your diary! March 18th 2019

It's the start of our six-week beginner course taking place in Fulwood at 8pm.

Learn to dance salsa from scatch and over the weeks you'll learn the steps you need to confidently take to the dance floor.

You'll learn about:

  • basic steps
  • how to follow the beat
  • how to hold a partner
  • how to lead and follow
  • and much more

You will also discover how much fun learning a dance can be and see how there are many opportunities to dance with new friends every weekend.

Extra Special Offer

Complete beginner salsa class offer for March 2019

Come and learn to salsa with us on Saturday 9th March 2019 and we're so sure that you will enjoy the day that we are offering all participants FREE weekly salsa classes at all our venues (excluding Monday nights) throughout the rest of March.


Sometimes you have to just let go and see what happens.

Ex Trapeze Artiste